Submit Your Paper
PUBLISHING WITH Contemporary Studies in Economic, Finance and Banking (CSEFB): STEP BY STEP
Learn about the publishing process and how to submit your manuscript. This tutorial will help you to know how to publish your paper.
Prepare your paper – Submit and revise – Track your paper – Share and promote
1. Prepare your paper
Download the guide in studying the article, which outlines the important steps in preparing a paper (It is also available in Indonesian and English). It is very important that you stick to the specific "Author Guideline" of your journal. These can be found on the main page of the journal.
Use an external editing service, such as Grammarly if you need Language help. Mendeley makes your life easier by helping you organize your Papers, citations and references, accessing them in the cloud on any device, wherever you are.
2. Submit and revise
After your article is in accordance with the available templates, you can submit it through the website. Before the Submit process, you need to register first. The registration guide can be downloaded below.
After successful submission, your paper will be considered by the editor and if it passes the initial screening, it will be sent for review by reviewers who are experts in your field. If it is accepted and there is a request for revision then you must revise accordingly with the request properly. If the revision is appropriate, then you need to upload the revision through the website (the revision will be checked by the editor for suitability of the request). If deemed unsuitable for publication in the journal of your choice, the editor may suggest that you transfer your submission to a more suitable journal.
3. Track your paper
Keep track of the papers you send. You can track the status of your submitted Paper online on the website. The system you use to track your shipment will be the same system you send it to. Please login first, then on your dashboard you will see the status and position of the paper.
Submission – Review – Copyediting – Published
If there is a problem, please contact our technical editor at Contact Person
4. Share and promote
Now that your article is published, you can promote it to achieve greater impact for your research. Sharing your research, achievements and ambitions with a wider audience makes you more visible in your field. This helps you get more cited, allows you to grow a stronger reputation, promote your research and move forward in your career.